Monthly Archives: August 2018

Collecting DHCP Scope Data with Grafana

In order to collect my DHCP scope statistics data into Grafana I turned to PowerShell.  We can use Get-DhcpServerv4Scope to list our all our scopes, Get-DhcpServerv4ScopeStatistics to get the stats for each, and then a little bit of regex and math to add some additional stats that we then bring into an InfluxDB, which then ultimately gets mapped be Grafana.

I have multiple sites, with multiple scopes, which ends up with tons and tones of data.  I already have Nagios alerts that tell me if individual scopes are in danger ranges of available IP’s etc, so for Grafana I was more interested in aggregated data about groups of scopes and how users in my network were changing.  In our case, the actual scope names are contained inside the parenthesis, so I used some regex to match scope names between parenthesis and then build a hash table of stats with those scope names and total up the free and used IPs in each range.

Enough chatter, here is the script:

Function Get-DHCPStatistics {
    Process {
        # retrieve all scopes
        $scopes = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue 

        # setup all variables we are going to use
        $report = @{}
        $totalScopes = 0
        $totalFree =  0
        $totalInUse = 0

        ForEach ($scope In $scopes) {
            # We have multiple sites and include the scope name inside () at each scope
            # this aggregates scope data by name
            if ($scope.Name -match '.*\((.*)\).*') {
                $ScopeName = $Matches[1]
            } else {
                $ScopeName = $scope.Name

            # initials a named scope if it doens't exist already
            if (!($report.keys -contains $ScopeName )) {
                $report[$ScopeName] = @{
                    Free = 0
                    InUse = 0
                    Scopes = 0

            $ScopeStatistics = Get-DhcpServerv4ScopeStatistics -ScopeID $scope.ScopeID -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
            $report[$ScopeName].Free += $ScopeStatistics.Free
            $report[$ScopeName].InUse += $ScopeStatistics.InUse
            $report[$ScopeName].Scopes += 1

            $totalFree += $ScopeStatistics.Free
            $totalInUse += $ScopeStatistics.InUse
            $totalScopes += 1

        ForEach ($scope in $report.keys) {
            if ($report[$scope].InUse -gt 0) {
                    Name = $scope
                    Free = $report[$scope].Free
                    InUse = $report[$scope].InUse
                    Scopes = $report[$scope].Scopes
                    PercentFull = [math]::Round(100 *  $report[$scope].InUse / $report[$scope].Free , 2)
                    PercentOfTotal = [math]::Round( 100 * $report[$scope].InUse / $totalInUse, 2)

        #Return one last summary object
            Name = "Total"
            Free = $totalFree
            InUse = $totalInUse
            Scopes = $totalScopes
            PercentFull = [math]::Round(100 *  $totalInUse / $totalFree , 2)
            PercentOfTotal = 0



Get-DHCPStatistics | ConvertTo-JSon

I then place that script on my DHCP server and use a telegraf service to run it and send data to InfluxDB. That config is pretty straightforward, aside from all the normal configuration to send it off, I just setup inputs.exec:

  name_suffix = "_dhcp"
  commands = ['powershell c:\\GetDHCPStats.ps1']
  timeout = "60s"
  data_format = "json"
  tag_keys = ["Name"]

This is pretty easy, I tell it to expect JSON and the PowerShell was set up to output JSON. I also let it know that each record in the JSON will have one key labeled “Name” that will have the scope name in it. Honestly, this should probably be ScopeName and the PowerShell should be updated to reflect that as now my tags in InfluxDB are a bit polluted if anything else ever uses a tag of Name.

Once this is all done and configured, now my DHCP server is reporting statistics about our server into InfluxDB.

I then setup a graph in Grafana using this data. I just did a pretty straight forward graph that mapped each scopes percent of the total IPs that we use. It gives a nice easy way to see how the users on my network are moving around.  The source for the query ends up being something like:

SELECT mean("PercentOfTotal") FROM "exec_dhcp" WHERE ("Name" != 'Total') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "Name" fill(linear)

This gives me a graph like the following (cropped to leave off some sensitive data):

DHCP Stats

Looks a little boring overall, but individual scope graphs can be kinda interesting and informative as to how the system in performing:


DHCP Stats1

This gives a fun view of one scope as devices join and then as lease are cleaned up, and new devices join again.

Hope this helps!