Tag Archives: AcuRite

Running anything as a Service

You can use NSSM to run anything you want as a service very quickly.  In my case, I was looking to run AcuRite even when not logged in or while locked so that my weather station is always updating the cloud.

  1. Download NSSM and extract somewhere on your C Drive (i just put it in c:\nssm\
  2. Open a command prompt and change directories to where NSSM was extracted and run the following command (replace AcuRite with the name of the service you want to create)
  3. nssm.exe install AcuRite
  4. In the path field select the exe you would normally be running
  5. On the details tab set a description so you remember in the future why you created this.
  6. Click “Install Service”
  7. Start the service from the Services control panel

Easy and quick you now have AcuRite (or whatever you want) running as a service.