Monthly Archives: June 2019

Querying the BitLocker SQL Database

Just a quick snippet to get all the Recovery Key’s for a specific user in the BitLocker database.

With MBAMRecoveryandHardware selected:

SELECT DomainName, u.Name Username, m.Name MachineName, k.LastUpdateTime KeyUpdate, VolumeGuid, RecoveryKey,RecoveryKeyId, Disclosed
  FROM [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[Users] u 
  JOIN [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[Domains] d ON (u.DomainId = d.Id)
  JOIN [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[Volumes_Users] v_u ON (u.Id = v_u.UserId)
  JOIN [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[Volumes] v ON (v_u.VolumeId = v.Id)
  JOIN [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[Keys] k ON (v.Id = k.VolumeId)
  JOIN [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[Machines_Volumes] m_v ON (m_v.VolumeId = v.Id)
  JOIN [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[Machines] m ON (m.Id = m_v.MachineId)
  WHERE u.Name = '**username here**'


Collecting MS SQL Query Data into Telegraf

Sometimes you just want to record results from a SQL query into Telegraf so you can graph it over time with Grafana. I have several queries that I want to see trend data for so I wrote this script to allow me to easily configure queries and throw them into a nice graph for analysis.

For the collection part I have a simple python script. I put the following in /usr/local/sbin/

#! /usr/bin/env python

__author__ = 'Eric Hodges'
__version__= 0.1

import os, sys
import pymssql
import json
import configparser

from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup

parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options]')
parser.add_option('-c', '--config', help="Config File Location", default="/etc/mssql_check.conf")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()

settings = config['Settings']
conn = pymssql.connect(host=settings['hostname'],user=settings['username'], password=settings['password'], database=settings['database'])

def return_dict_pair(cur, row_item):
    return_dict = {}
    for column_name, row in zip(cur.description, row_item):
        return_dict[column_name[0]] = row
    return return_dict

queries = config.sections()

items = []

for query in queries:
    if (query != 'Settings'):
        cursor = conn.cursor()

        description = cursor.description

        row = cursor.fetchone()
        while row:
            row = cursor.fetchone()


<span id="mce_SELREST_start" style="overflow:hidden;line-height:0;"></span>

This script expects to be passed a config file on the command line i.e. ‘ –config test.conf’

The config file is very simple, it contains a Settings section with the database connection options, and then one section for each query you want to run. It runs the query and then converts the rows into a dictionary, then pushes each row onto an array. It repeats for each query adding them all to the same array and finally returns them as JSON. (Replace the right hand side of the = with the correct info). The query needs at least one column to be a string to serve as the key for telegraf.

Example test.conf config:


query=SELECT measurement, data FROM sample_table

You can make new section like Sample with different names and different queries and it will run them all and combine them together.

Then all we need to do is setup Telegraf to run this config (/etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/sample.conf):

commands = ["/usr/local/sbin/ --config /etc/check_mssql/sccm.conf"]
tag_keys = ["measurement"]
interval = "60s"
data_format = "json"
name_override = "Sample"

Make sure to change the tag_keys and name_override to whatever you would like to be tags in Grafana. You can test the config by running ‘telegraf -test -config sample.conf’

Now in grafana choose your telegraf data source, then set the where to any tags you want, select one (or more of the fields) and off you go.



I hope you find this useful and can make many great graphs with it!

Finding Orphaned GPO Folders with PowerShell

During years and years of working in AD occasionally the sysvol folders gets out of sync with the actual GPOs. The following script will return all folders in sysvol\policies that no long have a corresponding GPO. **Please be sure to backup folders before taking any action based on this**

#Initial Source:

function Get-OrphanedGPOs {

    param (
    begin {
        $orphaned = @()
    process {
        Write-Verbose "Domain: $Domain"
        # Get GPOs and convert guid into same format as folders
        $gpos = Get-GPO -All -Domain $domain | Select @{ n='GUID'; e = {'{' + $_.Id.ToString().ToUpper() + '}'}}| Select -ExpandProperty GUID
        Write-Verbose "GPOs: $($gpos | Measure-Object | Select -ExpandProperty Count)"
        # Get GPOs policy folder
        $polPath = "\\$domain\SYSVOL\$domain\Policies\"
        Write-Verbose "Policy Path: $polPath"

        # Get all folders in the policy path
        $folders = Get-ChildItem $polPath -Exclude 'PolicyDefinitions'
        Write-Verbose "Folders: $($folders | Measure-Object | SElect -ExpandProperty Count)"

        #compare and return only the Folders that exist without a GPO
        $gpoArray = $gpos.GUID
        ForEach ($folder in $folders) {
            if (-not $gpos.contains($folder.Name)) {
                $orphaned += $folder
        Write-Verbose "Orphaned: $($orphaned | Measure-Object | SElect -ExpandProperty Count)"
        return $orphaned
    end {
