Tag Archives: Mining

Using Python,Telegraf and Grafana to monitor your Ethermine.org miner!

I have a couple mining computers going and compulsion to Grafana everything that comes along. So I wondered how hard it would be to track my miner with Grafana and it turns out, not hard at all.  I use ethermine and they actually provide an API that allows you to call it with your miners address and it returns all sorts of stats, they also have some of the best documentation I’ve seen, and a site to let you test calls to their API (https://api.ethermine.org/docs/)    Heading over there I found that I wanted to make calls to miner/{mineraddress}/currentStats to get the juicy information I wanted, the info I wanted was returned in JSON and it would be in the data key… Well that’s easy enough, it’s not the prettiest script, and it doesn’t check for errors but here it is

#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import requests

key = '{mineraddress}'
url = 'https://api.ethermine.org/miner/' + key + '/currentStats'

stats = requests.get(url)

print json.dumps(json.loads(stats.text)['data'])

Replace {mineraddress} with your miner address, and run it, and there you go.

You should get something back similar to

{"averageHashrate": 26047453.703703698, "usdPerMin": 0.0006877163189934768, "unpaid": 6366263118749017, "staleShares": 0, "activeWorkers": 1, "btcPerMin": 8.165787167840064e-08, "invalidShares": 0 , "validShares": 29, "lastSeen": 1521771528, "time": 1521771600, "coinsPerMin": 1.3241101293724766e-06, "reportedHashrate": 25752099, "currentHashrate": 32222222.222222224, "unconfirmed": null}


Which shows that currently, I’m making 0.0006 $/minute so I’ll be rich very very soon!

Now all I needed was to get this into Grafana,  my current database of choice has been InfluxDB, mostly because that is what I’ve been using, and the current collector of choice Telegraf.

So I:

  1. Setup influxdb
  2. Created a database for telegraf
  3. Created a write user for telegraf
  4. Setup telegraf
  5. Configured telegraf to use its user and write to influxdb

With that all done (that is basic setup needed for Grafana and I will probably cover it some other time)

I needed a telegraf collector for ethermine.  I moved my ethermine script to /usr/local/sbin and changed then ran

chown telegraf ethermine.py

This might not be the best practice, but it made the script runnable by telegraf

Then I set up an exec config file for ethermine.py in /etc/telegraf.d/ called ethermine.conf

command = "/usr/local/sbin/ethermine.py"
data_format = "json"
interval = "120s"
name_suffix = "-ethermine"

This is pretty straightforward, it tells telegraf to call ethermine.py every 2 minutes (checking the nice API documents show that this is the most often they update the data), expect the data to be returned in json format, and append -ethermine to ‘exec’ so that the data shows up in a separate field in the from selection in Grafana.

Once you have the config file in place test it:

sudo -u telegraf telegraf --config ethermine.conf --test

This should give you a nice line like:

* Plugin: inputs.exec, Collection 1
* Internal: 2m0s
> exec-ethermine,host=ubuntu staleShares=0,activeWorkers=1,reportedHashrate=25873123,usdPerMin=0.0006867597567563183,averageHashrate=26057870.370370366,invalidShares=0,lastSeen=1521771782,btcPerMin=0.00000008182049517386047,currentHashrate=30000000,time=1521772200,coinsPerMin=0.0000013243848360935654,unpaid=6379763169623989,validShares=27 1521772669000000000

That way you know its working, then restart the telegraf service.

sudo service telegraf restart

Now all you have to do is setup some queries that you like in Grafana.   Connect it to your influxdb (setup a read user first) and then I set up some queries like the following:

Hash Rate

Setup a couple of graphs on your dashboard, sit back, and watch your miner rake in the dough 🙂
